Confused by Confucius? Thoroughly thrown by Thoreau? Wish Swift were swifter? Tennyson tinier? Then hop aboard this literary roller coaster and buckle up as America’s best-loved comedy troupe zips you through its compact compendium of the world’s great books.
The Reduced Shakespeare Company: All the Great Books (abridged)
Friday, October 14 at 10am -- limited free seats available due to a school cancellation of a booking.
Call for a free seat. Parking is free at Smothers Theater lot if you tell the parking attendant you are there to see a show. Some parking spaces are a distance away so please come early in case the lot is full.
For a you-tube video of their act, see:
We have seen different outreach performances for practically free (used to be $1 for students, including homeschoolers) each season. Here's a letter from the Outreach Coordinator and please call her directly if you wish to see a show at 10am. ENJOY!
I am e-mailing on behalf of the ARTSReach Program at Pepperdine University. We have a wonderful show coming up, All The Greats Books (abridged), by the Reduced Shakespeare Company. It is a comedic compilation of all of the world's literary classics, making it fun and educational. It is appropriate for 6th grade through 12th and is complementary to all invited students and teachers. We recently had a cancellation, so it is late notice,
this Friday at 10 AM at Smothers Theater, but we really hope you will be able to attend despite the time crunch. It is a great show with an Internationally acclaimed troupe and we would love to extend an invitation to you and your students. Please feel free to e-mail or call me at
310 506 4766, to let me know if you would like us to confirm spaces for you.
Thank you for your consideration,
Brittany Corbucci
Arts Education Coordinator
Center for the Arts
Pepperdine University
24255 Pacific Coast Highway
Malibu, CA 90263
Here's more about the Company and you can also see there regular shows at prices below.
The Reduced Shakespeare Company Performs the Great Books
The Reduced Shakespeare Company, the three-man comedy troupe that takes long, serious subjects and reduces them to short, sharp comedies, will visit Pepperdine’s Center for the Arts on Friday, Oct. 14, to perform its show,
All the Great Books (abridged). The show will begin at 8 p.m. in Smothers Theatre, Malibu.
Presented as part of Pepperdine's Gregg G. Juarez Stars of Stage and Screen Series, the literary canon will explode as "the Bad Boys of Abridgement" take the audience on a 98-minute roller-coaster ride through a compact compendium of the world's great books, zipping through everything from
The Odyssey to
Harry Potter along the way.
Since its 1981 origins as a pass-the-hat act in California, the Reduced Shakespeare Company has performed the world over. The company's itinerary has included stops at the White House, the Kennedy Center, Lincoln Center, and London's West End, as well as performances in Israel, Australia, New Zealand, Hong Kong, Japan, Malta, Belgium, The Netherlands, Singapore, and Bermuda.
The company's first three shows,
The Complete Works of William Shakespeare (abridged), The Complete History of America (abridged), and
The Bible: The Complete Word of God (abridged), ran for nine years at the Criterion Theatre in Piccadilly Circus; they were London's longest-running comedies. The boys unveiled a brand-new show in 2010:
The Complete World of Sports (abridged), which reduces every sport ever played on every continent in the entire history of the world.
They also applied their fast, funny, and physical approach to world history in
Western Civilization: The Complete Musical (abridged) [original title:
The Complete Millennium Musical (abridged)], which toured simultaneously in the US, UK, and Australia, and to the movies in
Completely Hollywood (abridged), which skewers the 197 greatest films of all time and has received critical acclaim across the US, UK, Belgium, Holland, Hong Kong, and Barbados.
For television, the RSC compressed the first five seasons of
Lost into a 10-minute film called
Lost Reduced and was a
Jeopardy! category in the 2005 and 2006
Tournaments of Champions.
The RSC won the prestigious Shorty Award and has been nominated for an Olivier Award in London, two Helen Hayes Awards in Washington, DC, the SF Bay Area Theatre Critics Circle Award, and several Podcast Awards.
Tickets, priced at $40, $30, and $20 for the public and $10 for full-time Pepperdine students, are available now by calling (310) 506-4522. Tickets are also available through Ticketmaster at (800) 982-2787. For more information, visit the
Center for the Arts website.